Notes on Past Gigs

This page contains notes and thoughts about gigs, written a day or two after the gig. Administrative posts are also shown.

Please click on “Full posting” for each gig to see the photo and full text.

You can search on year, musician’s name or gig title.

Thoughts on Hexagonal – 27 October 2021

Thoughts on  Hexagonal , 29 October 2021 Three superb horn players were with us on Wednesday. Hexagonal’s music involves complex rhythms, often different for each horn. Their timing and intensity was, to my ears, perfect. The sound was really exciting. We had Greg Heath on Tenor and Soprano,  Jason Yarde on Alto and Baritone, and Graeme Flowers on Trumpet and Flugel. Greg was the band’s announcer. John Donaldson arranged the music for the band. He is a formidable pianist. It was great to have bassist Matt Ridley back. Drummer Tristan Banks got caught in traffic and people glueing themselves to…

Thoughts on The Clark Tracey Sextet, 25 September 2021

One of the odd things about jazz is that often, the more deps the better. Quentin Collins (trumpet and flugelhorn) was hired for the band in time for his name to be published. Trombonist James Wade Sired  and pianist Matt Carter were the reps on the night. Tom Ridout on alto and tenor saxes and recorder, James Owston on bass and of course, Clark Tracey on drums were on the original list. So you might expect their rehearsal and soundcheck to be interesting.  It was: interesting and fun, and intense and jolly. And it led to a really great gig. …

Still Smiling from The David Newton Trio, 25 August 2021

Sound check? Rehearsals? Detailed gig planning? With guys this good whose listening is phenomenal, none of this is necessary. A little discussion on the patio and hey were of one mind. We had Steve Brown on drums, Adam King on bass and the masterful David Newton on piano.   It is hard to describe how good this gig was. We had not seen Adam King in some time, and never in a trio, where all three are so exposed. His use of the whole instrument at speed with perfect intonation was wonderful. Steve Brown was usually with us accompanying  a singer….

Thoughts on our first gig in eons, it seems

I should have written this two weeks ago. Stunning gig.   What a wonderful way to start off Fleece Jazz after a year and a half of no live jazz. And independently of that, this gig was a cracker! I was so enthralled that I forgot I was supposed to take notes. I can say that Cannonball would have been very pleased. What they did was paint a picture of the depth of the man as well as the music he played and wrote. And of course, the musicianship was superb. One way of judging a band is to see…

The Joy of Lockdown – 7 April 2020

Boy, do I miss the music. It looks like it will be a while before Fleece Jazz can be up and running again. We promise you great music when we do. In the meantime, You can keep your ears attuned to jazz by listening to our very own Gerry England’s Jazz Grooves. on Ipswich Community Radio,Thursday Nights from 8pm to 10pm. If I cannot sleep, I put on the Fleece Jazz Facebook Channel. There are people all over putting up lovely music from their homes, and some collaborations at a distance too. Examples: Alina Bzhezhinska on harp; Pete Oxley and…